Plan Change 18 became operative on 19 May 2021 and is now part of the Operative District Plan. You can view the public notice here.
The Minister for the Environment made the final decision on Plan Change 18.
You can read the decision here.
The history of the formal plan change process is set out below.
Porirua City Council prepared Proposed Plan Change 18: Plimmerton Farm to the Porirua City District Plan (Plan Change 18).
Plan Change 18 sought to rezone the property known as Plimmerton Farm (Lot 2 DP 489799) from Rural Zone to a new Plimmerton Farm Zone. The new zone intended to provide for urban development including housing, a retirement village, a commercial area, water sensitive design to protect sensitive receiving waters and protection and augmentation of Significant Natural Areas, including wetlands that form part of the Taupō Swamp Complex. Specific changes were also proposed to City-wide provisions of the District Plan to apply to the proposed Plimmerton Farm Zone.
You may view or download Plan Change 18 at the links below. Hard copies were available for viewing at the following places:
Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm proceeded through a Streamlined Planning Process. The process is set out in the Minister for the Environment’s Direction for the Streamlined Planning Process, which was gazetted on 6 May 2020.
Here is a summary of the process. The steps and timeframes were updated as the process moved forward.
Submissions – Plan Change 18 was publicly notified on 20 May 2020. Submissions closed on 2 July 2020.
Further Submissions – The Summary of Decisions Requested (Summary of Submissions) was publicly notified on 14 July 2020. Further submissions closed on 28 July 2020. Further submissions support or oppose original submissions.
The Hearing before the independent Hearing Panel (see membership below) began on 12 October 2020 and was adjourned on 16 October 2020, after sitting for 5 days, for Porirua Council's reply.
Hearing Panel Minute 5 formally closed the hearing.
Hearing Panel Minute 1 set out how the hearing process was managed to ensure clarity and certainty for all parties and a fair and efficient hearing process. Minute 1 provided a timetable and directions to Council on providing the Council report to the Hearing and to submitters on providing any lay or expert evidence they wished to provide as well as instructions on participating in pre-hearing meetings and expert conferencing.
Please note that all correspondence for the Hearing Panel had to be via the Hearing Administrator Maria Joslin ([email protected], phone 04 237 3863).
After the Hearing, the Hearing Panel issued a draft recommendation to submitters and Council, giving the opportunity for correction of minor or technical errors.
The Hearing Panel then issued its recommended decision to the Minister for the Environment.
The Minister made the final decision on the plan change.
We understand that RMA processes can be a little daunting so a Friend of Submitters, Emily Bayliss, was made available through the submission periods to assist and continued to be available to help submitters in the lead-up to the hearing.
Emily is a qualified planner who was fully independent and had no other involvement in Plan Change 18.
The Friend of Submitters service was provided by the Council to remove barriers and foster participation in Plan Change 18.
Emily was contactable for assistance by email [email protected] or phone 021 532 284.
A brief introduction from Emily is available here
Emily's memo to submitters is available here
The Hearing Panel for Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm comprised:
Gazette notice published 6 May 2020
Submissions closed 2 July 2020
Plan Change 18 (with attachments bundled)
Plan Change 18 Volume 1 (Parts 1-4)
Plan Change 18 Volume 2 (Part 5 - Section 32 Report)
Plan Change 18 (in separate documents)
Plan Change 18 Volume 1 (Parts 1-4)
Plan Change 18 Volume 2 (Part 5 - Section 32 Report)
The external documents referred to in Plan Change 18 are available here (for Porirua City documents) and here (for other documents).
Public Notice of Summary of Submissions
Further submissions closed on 28 July 2020.
Pre-hearing meetings for lay submitters were held:
The Letter to Pre-Hearing Submitters provided details of the pre-hearing meetings and requested information from you to help in making arrangements. Responses were due to Maria Joslin (Hearing Administrator) [email protected] by 31 August 2020.
Hearing Panel Minute 1 set out the requirement for the pre-hearing meetings.
Report of pre-hearing meetings
Expert conferencing took place in the week beginning 21 September 2020 as directed by Hearing Panel Minute 1. Please refer to Hearing Panel Minute 1 and Preliminary Letter Expert Conferencing for guidance on participation.
The results of the expert conferencing are available below:
Ecology - Joint Witness Statement of Experts (21 September 2020)
Engineering - Joint Witness Statement of Experts (22 September 2020)
Planning - Joint Witness Statement of Experts (25 September 2020)
The Hearing began 12 October 2020 and was adjourned on 16 October, after sitting for 5 days, for Porirua City Council's reply.
Hearing Panel Minute 5 formally closed the hearing.
Notice of Hearing (updated) - includes draft Hearing Schedule
Hearing Panel Minute 1 General hearing process and management directions
Memorandum of Counsel for Forest and Bird and QEII National Trust (attachments below)
Hearing Panel Minute 2 Initial response to memorandum by Forest & Bird and QEII National Trust
Memorandum of Counsel for Porirua City Council
Memorandum of Counsel for Plimmerton Developments Ltd
Reply Memorandum from Forest & Bird and QEII National Trust
Hearing Panel Minute 3 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 and National Environmental Standards for Freshwater
Hearing Panel Minute 4 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Section 42A Report (including appendices)
Section 42A Report including appendices (large file)
Section 42A Report (in separate documents)
Appendix 1 - Statements of Evidence
Appendix 2 - PCC Housing Capacity Summary Statement
Appendix 3 - Plan Change 18 with recommended amendments
Appendix 4 - Summary of Decisions Requested with officer recommendations
Submitters' Expert Evidence
Submitter 134 - Director-General of Conservation
Submitter 49 - Greater Wellington Regional Council
Submitter 107 - Robyn Smith
Submitter 128 - Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust
Submitter 117 -Forest and Bird
Submitter 113 - Welhom Developments Ltd
Submitter 122 - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Submitters' Lay Evidence
Submitter 107 - Robyn Smith
Submitter 15, 78 - Plimmerton Developments Ltd
Statements of Rebuttal Evidence
Submitter Statements to Hearing Panel
Experts' Responses to Submitters' Questions
Hearing Panel Minute 1 provided submitters with the opportunity to put questions to experts. The experts' responses are provided below.
Legal Submissions to Hearing
Experts' Summaries of Evidence
Porirua City Council:
Submitter 49 - Greater Wellington Regional Council:
Submitter 128 - Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust
Submitter 112 - Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society
Submitter 107 - Robyn Smith
Submitter 113 - Welhom Developments Ltd
Submitter 134 - Director General of Conservation
Submitters' Presentations to the Hearing Panel
Responses to the Hearing Panel's Requests for further information:
Porirua City Council Right of Reply
Notes from Hearing
The notes provided here were prepared solely as an aid memoir for the Hearing Panel to supplement their own notes of the hearing. They are not a transcript or complete record of the hearing.
The Hearing Panel released a draft report to submitters and Porirua City Council for comment. The scope of comments was limited to the identification and correction of minor or technical (including legal) errors or omissions. Comments could be made on the Hearing Panel's recommendation to the Minister for the Environment or the reasons for its recommendation.
Within the Executive Summary of the report the Panel directed the following timetable for comments:
Please find below the draft report and recommendations:
Form for submitting comments to the panel:
Comments on Hearing Panel's draft report:
The Hearing Panel submitted its final recommendation report and recommended provisions for Plan Change 18 to the Minister for the Environment.
You can access these documents below:
If you have any questions please contact Maria Joslin on (04) 237 3863 or at [email protected]
Information about the lead up to Proposed Plan Change 18 Plimmerton Farm is available here