THIS IS AN ARCHIVED PAGE - Development Contributions Policy 2021

This archived page created for the 2021 consultation process. It no longer holds the most up-to-date information on the Policy.

For the most up-to-date information on Development Contributions, follow the link below:

Development & Financial Contributions

ARCHIVED INFORMATION - Development Contributions Policy 2021

Consultation information

Consultation status: Closed 25 July 2021 and in effect from 10 September 2021


Thank you to those that made a submission on the Development Contributions Policy Review consultation.

The Council considered all feedback as part of their deliberations on Thursday 19 August 2021, and agreed to:

  • Receive the report.
  • Receive the oral and written submissions including the late submission.
  • Agree to recommend to Council to adopt the 2021 Development Contributions Policy with an amendment to account for the lower occupancy for retirement units and aged care rooms. The recommended proportion for a retirement unit in a Retirement Village is 0.5 residential household equivalent unit and an aged care room be assessed at 0.4 residential household equivalent unit per residential room and to include new and amended definitions.
  • Agree to recommend to Council to adopt the 2021 Development Contributions Policy to include an additional City Reserve project in accordance with the LTP and to amend naming conventions in the non-residential sections of the Policy.
  • Agree to delegate to the Chief Executive the ability to make minor editorial changes

The policy came into effect on 10 September 2021

The Development & Financial Contributions website page can be found here.

On that page you will find all relevant documents including the updated Policy.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected]

ARCHIVED - Summary of the Proposal

We're required to review our development contributions policy at least every three years. These reviews provide us with the opportunity to:

  • Implement learnings since the adoption of the previous policy
  • Implement national best practice and update any changes to policy administration
  • Update underlying assumptions around our infrastructure and growth capacity
  • Revise our assumptions surrounding development within the city
  • Incorporate updated growth forecasts and infrastructure demand expected from growth
  • Incorporate revised project lists from Asset Management Plans, the Long-term Plan 2021-51
  • Update assumptions about future interest and inflation rates.

Our city has faced significant growth since the previous policy's adoption, and we are projected to continue at these historically high levels for the foreseeable future. The policy review allows us to effectively plan and finance future growth within our city.

Please refer to the Statement of Proposal below to find out about the proposed changes. You can also read the draft policy and view the proposed Development Contributions maps.

If you want to compare the proposed development contributions to the current charges you can look at the existing fees here.

ARCHIVED - Supporting Documents

Please note, the below documents are no longer in use. They remain here for information on the work behind the 2021 consultation period. For the most up to date Policy, please refer here.

Key Dates

When What
Friday 25 June 2021 Submissions open
Sunday 25 July 2021 Submissions close
Thursday 5 August 2021 Submitters present to Te Puna Kōrero (hearings)
Thursday 19 August 2021 Te Puna Kōrero deliberates and changes are agreed
Thursday 9 September 2021 Council adopts the new policy

Have Your Say

This consultation closed 25 July 2021

Want to know more

If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, please email  [email protected] or call (04) 237 1378


To support our drive to be as transparent as possible all submissions will be publicly available but without your contact details. If you don’t want your name made public, please tick “Withhold my details” on the submission form. Please note you won’t be able to withhold your name if you choose to speak at the hearing or if you are representing an organisation.