Anita Baker

Anita Baker - Independent



My principal place of residence is in the Porirua City Council area. I am also standing for the Northern/Pukerua ki te Raki Ward, Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.

I ask for your support to be a great Mayor for our whole city. We are overflowing with potential and need a strong and experienced leader so we can be affordable and prosperous.

Porirua residents need quality basic services to support our everyday lives. That means better quality roads, footpaths and parks. We must plan and invest in water, sewerage and stormwater pipes. Any council I lead will look for savings within the organisation, but strike a balance on rate increases so we don't stop progress and investment in what's important.

Our harbour is the jewel in our crown, we must step up our actions to protect it. I will lead a plan to sensibly prepare for climate change.

I'm practical, proven and have my feet on the ground. Porirua needs leadership from someone who gets things done. Please support positive change by voting me 1 and 'Ana Coffey 2.

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