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Committee wrap - 18 July 2024


Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee that makes decisions about the city’s strategic direction and framework. It is made up of the Mayor, all councillors and the Council Kaumātua.

Following the confirmation of minutes from the previous meeting, the committee received a report on the Porirua City delegation’s visit to our Sister City Blacktown in Australia in May to mark the 40-year anniversary of the Sister City relationship.

Next, the committee looked at the paper for consultation to be carried out on the proposed Development Contributions Policy 2024-54. After some questions and clarifications they approved the consultation to go ahead.

Feedback will be sought from the public on three different options for the policy. Development contributions are collected as revenue and used to offset debt taken out to fund investment in growth infrastructure.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

Council held a workshop following the committee meeting. On the workshop agenda for today was an update on the Te Rā Nui – Eastern Porirua Development programme and Wellington Water’s Know Your Pipes project.

On the meetings page of our website you can see what meetings and workshops are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting.

The public is welcome to attend most Council meetings and workshops. They are also livestreamed on our YouTube channel here:

18 Jul 2024