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Committee wrap - 5 September 2024


Te Puna Kōrero Committee is the main committee that makes decisions about the city’s strategic direction and framework. It is made up of the Mayor, all councillors and the Council Kaumātua.

Following the confirmation of minutes from the previous meeting, the committee received a report on submissions on Greater Wellington Regional Council’s application to lease Council land at Plimmerton Domain to create a permanent Park and Ride Carpark.

Seven submissions were received on the consultation, all in support of the application. After some questions, the committee approved the lease application.

Next, the committee went through the quarterly update on Council’s major projects, including Te Rā Nui – Eastern Porirua Development, the Central City Wastewater Storage Tank, and the Paremata Rd shared path.

There were no speakers in the public forum.

On the meetings page of our website you can see what meetings and workshops are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting.

The public is welcome to attend most Council meetings and workshops. They are also livestreamed on our YouTube channel here:

5 Sep 2024