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Council wrap - 29 August 2024


A meeting of the full Porirua City Council was held this morning, Thursday 29 August. Here is a wrap of what was covered:

Porirua Mayor Anita Baker spoke about what she’d been up to during the past month, including attendance at multiple different award events; a Dawn Raids event; planting at Battle Hill; speaking about the Long-term Plan at a business event; Cook Island language week and Tonga language week flag raisings; Te Kiwa Nui Festival at Te Rauparaha Arena; 60 residents sworn in at citizenship ceremonies; Book Week at Postgate School; rugby games at Porirua Park; a blessing at Aotea Lagoon prior to the rose garden removal; attending the Local Government New Zealand conference, where Porirua City was highly commended for the initiative to allow video submissions in the Long-term Plan consultation; the Porirua Leaders’ Forum; different residents’ association meetings; and the New Zealand Event Association awards, where Council’s Recreation team won the award for Best Arts, Cultural or Heritage Event for Porirua’s Waitangi Day celebrations.

Next up, Council received a report on the refresh of the Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy. More on this can be read on our news page here.

Then Council voted unanimously to retain the Parirua Māori Ward. Read more about this decision here.

Council then heard from some of the submitters on the proposed Development Contributions Policy 2024. They voted to adopt the policy, incorporating Option 3, which includes brownfield reserves and kaumātua housing.

In the public forum representatives from the Porirua Healthy Safer City Trust provided an update on the work they’ve been doing in the past year to clean up tagging and litter removal around the city.

Owners of the Porirua Business Park in Elsdon also spoke about the way rates are applied to industrial properties in that part of the city.

You can watch the livestream of the meeting here:

On the meetings page of our website you can also see what meetings are coming up, with agendas posted a few days before each meeting. The public is welcome to attend most meetings and they are also livestreamed.

29 Aug 2024