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Splash pad temporary closure

News - splash pad closure

View of Porirua's splash pad in operation.

The Porirua splash pad is closing temporarily in February for some final improvements to be made.

The pad at Aotea Lagoon will close from 12 February for about three weeks while we build new paths, install picnic tables, sow new grass, and tidy the area to add to the experience.  Large trees to provide shade will be planted during autumn.

Parks Manager Olivia Dovey says the work was always part of the splash pad project, and it was decided to delay these final improvements, so it could be opened in time for the summer school holidays.

“We’re going ahead now because the kids are back at school and most parents are back to work.  We’re thrilled with how popular and successful the splash pad has been since it opened on 22 December - and we look forward to reopening it in early March.”

The improvements include:

  • removing the temporary ground covering cloth,
  • building a concrete path to link the splash pad with the lagoon footpath,  
  • installing picnic tables,
  • putting the rubbish bins back in, 
  • regrassing areas that have been disturbed,
  • recontouring the bank on the northern side of the splash pad,
  • cleaning the splash pad, including a steam clean of the surface.

Large trees will be planted in the garden and lawn area around the splash pad, in the wetter autumn months, to create future shade.

“In the meantime, we encourage visitors to bring sun hats and sun umbrella.  And please apply sun block at least 15 minutes before using the splash pad, otherwise it washes off and can make the surface slippery,” says Ms Dovey.

30 Jan 2018