Our executive team

Our leadership team is committed to delivering the vision set by your representatives - the Mayor and Councillors.

PCC-ELT-230801-NPP-0148, Wendy Walker, Portrait, 2023

Wendy Walker

Kaiwhakahaere Matua

Chief Executive 

Phone: (04) 237 1401

[email protected]

Porirua City’s Chief Executive is solely responsible to the elected members for all policy advice and management of Council affairs.

Five General Managers report to the Chief Executive. They are jointly responsible for managing Council activities and delivering its strategic priorities.


Mike Mendonça

Pouwhakahaere Hanganga

General Manager Infrastructure

Phone: (04) 237 5089

[email protected]

Mike manages the Infrastructure Group, which is responsible for:

  • leading planning and maintenance of Council's infrastructure (including roading) and utility assets
  • ensuring the provision of transportation, water, stormwater, sewage disposal and solid waste services
  • leading the work programme on waste minimisaton and harbour riparian planting

PCC-ELT-240227-NPP-0034, Jim Tocher

Jim Tocher

Pouwhakahaere Ratonga Rangatōpū/Kaiārahi Pūtea Matua

General Manager Corporate Services

Phone: (04) 237 1223

[email protected]

Jim is in charge of Corporate Services. His teams are responsible for providing support services to Council and the public and monitoring performance, which include:

  • financial reporting, commercial,  procurement, rates, accounts receivable and payable
  • project and programme management
  • information, communication and technology
  • corporate support and records management
  • internal auditing. 

PCC-ELT-240227-NPP-0057 Nike Etheridge

Nic Etheridge

Pouwhakahaere Whakamahere Kaupapahere me ngā Ratonga ā-Ture

General Manager Policy, Planning & Regulatory Services

Phone: (04) 917 1004

[email protected]

Nic manages the Policy, Planning & Regulatory Services group, which is responsible for:

  • overseeing and monitoring the city’s economic, environmental, cultural and social wellbeing, the Long-term Plan, Annual Plan, Annual Report, and changes in the District Plan and heritage management
  • monitoring and enforcing regulations, including applications and complaints under the Building Act, Resource Management Act and District Plan, environmental health inspections and animal control services.

PCC-ELT-230801-NPP-0185 Rubuen, 2023, portrait

Reuben Friend

Pouwhakahaere Hapori me Ngā Pātuitanga

General Manager Community & Partnerships

Phone: (04) 237 1510

[email protected]

Reuben is the General Manager Community and Partnerships. His responsibilities include:

  • managing partnerships with key stakeholders and community groups, including grants
  • delivering community services including libraries, recreation and cultural services
  • developing initiatives for population and economic growth, consultation and engagement
  • delivering the City Centre Revitalisation project
  • managing the city’s property portfolio
  • coordinating and promoting Council’s democratic processes.

PCC-ELT-230801-NPP-0106 Jerry Wrenn, Portrait, 2023

Jerry Wrenn

Pouwhakahaere Iwi me te Kaha

General Manager People and Capability

Phone: (04) 237 1408

[email protected]

Jerry leads the People and Capability group, which has responsibility for:

  • organisational development, workforce planning, and strategy and policy advice on employment relations
  • human resources services
  • health and safety services
  • emergency management for the city.